Exercise and your Cycle

Exercise and your Cycle

You guys have been following along this journey with us and now should have a grasp on the phases of your cycle and the hormones involved. Well, how can those factors affect how we exercise? Research is still in the early days in this particular field, as only...

Phases of the Menstrual Cycle  

Phases of the Menstrual Cycle  

Your Menstrual cycle has 4 distinct phases: Menstruation Follicular Ovulation Luteal These can be broken down into follicular (menstruation to ovulation) and proliferation (luteal to menstruation) Follicular (Day 1 – Ovulation)   During this phase your body and...

Hormones & Menstrual Cycle’s

Hormones & Menstrual Cycle’s

Let’s talk about periods. Those who have a uterus will know that periods are just a fact of life for us. There is no period that will be similar between people, symptoms, duration, emotional experiences, and pain can be experienced in all different ways. Research will...

Types of Induction

Types of Induction

Induction is a process that is considered when: Pregnancies have gone longer than 41 weeks. Waters have broken but contractions have not started naturally. Baby is not well. Mother has specific health issues such as infection in the uterus, too little amniotic fluid,...

How does Oxytocin Stimulate Labour?

How does Oxytocin Stimulate Labour?

During your pregnancy you’ve probably come across the word Oxytocin. We have previously spoken about how it’s involved in the induction process, but how does it really work? How does your body know how to respond to oxytocin? Oxytocin as a hormone plays a crucial role...

Gestational Diabetes and Physiotherapy

Gestational Diabetes and Physiotherapy

Last week we discussed gestational diabetes, what it is, risks for developing and will it affect you and baby long term. We briefly discussed how to manage GDM and how it should be managed with diet modifications, exercise/physical activity, fetal health monitoring...

Gestational Diabetes

Gestational Diabetes

Gestational diabetes (GDM) is a type of diabetes that occurs during pregnancy and affects 5-10 percent of pregnant women (Diabetes Australia 2023). During pregnancy your placenta produces hormones to help the baby grow. These hormones can block the action of insulin...

Bartholin’s Cyst

Bartholin’s Cyst

Bartholin glands are located on each side of the vaginal opening. The role of these glands is to secrete the fluid that helps lubricate the vagina. If the opening of these glands become obstructed, it can result in what’s known as a Bartholin’s cyst. This collection...

Perineal Massage

Perineal Massage

I often get asked by women does Perineal massage work? Is it worth doing? Am I wasting my time? How do I even do it? So, I have entered the world of research to get you all your answers! It may sound straight forward but perineal massage is where you are using your...